turbovnc-server-1.2.1-alt3.x86_64 buildroot fail found paths to buildroot: /etc/rc.d/init.d/tvncserver: _OUT=`echo ${display}; su ${display##*:} -c "cd ~${display##*:} && [ -f .vnc/passwd ] && /usr/src/tmp/turbovnc-buildroot/usr/bin/vncserver :${display%%:*} ${VNCUSERARGS}" 2>&1`; _OUT=`echo ${display}; su ${display##*:} -c "/usr/src/tmp/turbovnc-buildroot/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :${display%%:*}" 2>&1`; turbovnc-server-1.2.1-alt3.x86_64 init-but-no-native-systemd info The package have SysV init script(s) but no native systemd files.; turbovnc-server-1.2.1-alt3.x86_64 init-condrestart fail /etc/rc.d/init.d/tvncserver: missing condstop target. ERROR: alt-specific script %_sbindir/preun_service (used in your %preun_service macro) depends on condstop. Please, fix.; turbovnc-server-1.2.1-alt3.x86_64 rpm-filesystem-conflict-file-file warn File /usr/bin/vncpasswd conflicts with the package tigervnc-common-1.7.0-alt1.M80P.2.x86_64. Moreover, the packages have no explicit conflicts with each other. You should add explicit conflicts, or, if conflicts are avoidable, consider using alternatives.;