plasma5-desktop-5.12.8-alt4.src altlinux-policy-obsolete-buildreq warn Build dependency on rpm-build-ubt is obsolete and should be dropped to get rid of rpm-build-ubt package.; plasma5-desktop-5.12.8-alt4.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kf5/applications/kf5/org.kde.kcolorschemeeditor.desktop: warning: value "Edytor zestawu kolor?w" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Edytor zestawu kolor?w" of key "GenericName[pl]"; plasma5-desktop-common-5.12.8-alt4.noarch altlinux-find-lang-mo warn Language specific files in /usr/share/locale should be marked, for example, using %find_lang. See for details.;