glusterfs6-6.3-alt2.M80P.3.x86_64 uncompressed-manpages info Package contains uncompressed manual pages.; glusterfs6-client-6.3-alt2.M80P.3.x86_64 checkbashisms experimental checkbashisms utility found possible bashisms in: /sbin/mount.glusterfs; glusterfs6-georeplication-6.3-alt2.M80P.3.x86_64 rpm-filesystem-conflict-file-file warn There are file conflicts with the package glusterfs3-geo-replication-3.12.15-alt0.M80P.1.x86_64, for example, /usr/lib/glusterfs/gsyncd (18 file conflicts in total). Moreover, the packages have no explicit conflicts with each other. You should add explicit conflicts, or, if conflicts are avoidable, consider using alternatives.; There are file conflicts with the package glusterfs7-georeplication-7.4-alt0.M80P.1.x86_64, for example, /usr/lib/glusterfs/ (36 file conflicts in total). Moreover, the packages have no explicit conflicts with each other. You should add explicit conflicts, or, if conflicts are avoidable, consider using alternatives.; glusterfs6-server-6.3-alt2.M80P.3.x86_64 checkbashisms experimental checkbashisms utility found possible bashisms in: /etc/rc.d/init.d/glusterd; glusterfs6-thin-arbiter-6.3-alt2.M80P.3.x86_64 systemd-but-no-native-init info The package have native systemd file(s) but no SysV init scripts.;