Repocop reports by srpm

  rpm id test Status message
lorem-ipsum-generator-0.3-alt1.svn20090927.noarch freedesktop-categories fail Main Categories consist of those categories that every conforming desktop environment MUST support.( None found in /usr/share/applications/lorem-ipsum-generator.desktop. please, fix. Menu-related Additional Categories ( not found in /usr/share/applications/lorem-ipsum-generator.desktop. Please add it or report a bug against this test if you already have registered one (not including menu unrelated ones as Core or Qt).
lorem-ipsum-generator-0.3-alt1.svn20090927.noarch freedesktop-desktop warn desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/lorem-ipsum-generator.desktop: error: value "0.1" for key "Version" in group "Desktop Entry" is not a known version
/usr/share/applications/lorem-ipsum-generator.desktop: error: file contains key "Category" in group "Desktop Entry", but keys extending the format should start with "X-"
/usr/share/applications/lorem-ipsum-generator.desktop: error: key "GenericName[en_AU]" in group "Desktop Entry" is a localized key, but there is no non-localized key "GenericName"
/usr/share/applications/lorem-ipsum-generator.desktop: error: key "Comment[en_AU]" in group "Desktop Entry" is a localized key, but there is no non-localized key "Comment"

generated by repocop at Sat Feb 23 06:30:56 2019