rpm id | test | Status | message | |
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kdewebdev- | altlinux-policy-obsolete-buildreq | warn | Build dependency on menu-devel is obsolete and should be dropped to get rid of menu-devel package. |
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kdewebdev- | specfile-macros-get_dep-is-deprecated | experimental | Versioned Requires: foo >= %{get_dep something} using %get_dep and %get_version macros on a library are deprecated by set:versions. You probably should drop %get_dep/%get_version Requires: to avoid RPM database pollution. |
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kdewebdev-kfilereplace- | freedesktop-desktop | info | desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kfilereplace.desktop: warning: value "kfilereplace %i %m -caption "%c"" for key "Exec" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated field code "%m" |
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kdewebdev-kimagemapeditor- | freedesktop-desktop | info | desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kimagemapeditor.desktop: warning: value "kimagemapeditor -caption "%c" %i %m" for key "Exec" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated field code "%m" |
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kdewebdev-klinkstatus- | freedesktop-desktop | info | desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/klinkstatus.desktop: warning: value "klinkstatus %i %m -caption "%c"" for key "Exec" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated field code "%m" |
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kdewebdev-kommander- | altlinux-policy-shared-lib-contains-devel-so | info | SharedLibs Policy Draft violation: Shared Lib package should not contain symlink /usr/lib64/libkommanderplugin.so but just /usr/lib64/libkommanderplugin.so.0.0.0. According to SharedLibs Policy Draft, symlink /usr/lib64/libkommanderplugin.so should be placed in a special subpackage named lib SharedLibs Policy Draft violation: Shared Lib package should not contain symlink /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidget.so but just /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidget.so.0.0.0. According to SharedLibs Policy Draft, symlink /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidget.so should be placed in a special subpackage named lib SharedLibs Policy Draft violation: Shared Lib package should not contain symlink /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidgets.so but just /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidgets.so.0.0.0. According to SharedLibs Policy Draft, symlink /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidgets.so should be placed in a special subpackage named lib |
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kdewebdev-kommander- | freedesktop-desktop | info | desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynamic Dialog Editor" for key "Comment" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynamic Dialog Editor" of key "GenericName" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?? ????????? ????????" for key "Comment[bg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?? ????????? ????????" of key "GenericName[bg]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor de di?legs din?mics" for key "Comment[ca]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor de di?legs din?mics" of key "GenericName[ca]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor dynamick?ch dialog?" for key "Comment[cs]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor dynamick?ch dialog?" of key "GenericName[cs]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynamisk dialog-editor" for key "Comment[da]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynamisk dialog-editor" of key "GenericName[da]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor f?r dynamische Dialoge" for key "Comment[de]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor f?r dynamische Dialoge" of key "GenericName[de]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "???????????? ????????? ????????" for key "Comment[el]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????????? ????????? ????????" of key "GenericName[el]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynamic Dialogue Editor" for key "Comment[en_GB]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynamic Dialogue Editor" of key "GenericName[en_GB]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor de cuadros de di?logo din?micos" for key "Comment[es]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor de cuadros de di?logo din?micos" of key "GenericName[es]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "D?naamiliste dialoogide redaktor" for key "Comment[et]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "D?naamiliste dialoogide redaktor" of key "GenericName[et]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Elkarrizketa editore dinamikoa" for key "Comment[eu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Elkarrizketa editore dinamikoa" of key "GenericName[eu]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????? ????" for key "Comment[fa]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?????? ????" of key "GenericName[fa]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynaamisten dialogien editori" for key "Comment[fi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynaamisten dialogien editori" of key "GenericName[fi]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "?diteur dynamique de bo?tes de dialogue" for key "Comment[fr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?diteur dynamique de bo?tes de dialogue" of key "GenericName[fr]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor de di?logos din?micos" for key "Comment[gl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor de di?logos din?micos" of key "GenericName[gl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "?????? ????? ??????" for key "Comment[hi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????? ????? ??????" of key "GenericName[hi]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "P?rbesz?dablak-szerkeszt?" for key "Comment[hu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "P?rbesz?dablak-szerkeszt?" of key "GenericName[hu]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynamic Dialog ritillinn" for key "Comment[is]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynamic Dialog ritillinn" of key "GenericName[is]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor per le maschere dinamiche" for key "Comment[it]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor per le maschere dinamiche" of key "GenericName[it]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "???????????" for key "Comment[ja]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????????" of key "GenericName[ja]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "???????? ???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[ka]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ???????? ?????????" of key "GenericName[ka]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dinamin? dialog? rengykl?" for key "Comment[lt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dinamin? dialog? rengykl?" of key "GenericName[lt]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Penyunting Dialog Dinamik" for key "Comment[ms]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Penyunting Dialog Dinamik" of key "GenericName[ms]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor f?r d?naamsch Dialogen" for key "Comment[nds]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor f?r d?naamsch Dialogen" of key "GenericName[nds]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "?????? ????? ???????" for key "Comment[ne]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????? ????? ???????" of key "GenericName[ne]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynamische dialoog-editor" for key "Comment[nl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynamische dialoog-editor" of key "GenericName[nl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Edytor do dynamicznych okien dialogowych" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Edytor do dynamicznych okien dialogowych" of key "GenericName[pl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor de di?logos din?micos" for key "Comment[pt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor de Di?logos Din?micos" of key "GenericName[pt]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor de Di?logo Din?mico" for key "Comment[pt_BR]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor de Di?logo Din?mico" of key "GenericName[pt_BR]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dynamick? editor dial?gov" for key "Comment[sk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dynamick? editor dial?gov" of key "GenericName[sk]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Urejevalnik dinami?nih pogovornih oken" for key "Comment[sl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Urejevalnik dinami?nih pogovornih oken" of key "GenericName[sl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????? ????????" for key "Comment[sr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?????????? ????????" of key "GenericName[sr]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Ure?iva? dinami?kih dijaloga" for key "Comment[sr@Latn]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Ure?iva? dinami?kih dijaloga" of key "GenericName[sr@Latn]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Editor f?r dynamiska dialogrutor" for key "Comment[sv]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Editor f?r dynamiska dialogrutor" of key "GenericName[sv]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "??????? ???????? ????????" for key "Comment[ta]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??????? ???????? ????????" of key "GenericName[ta]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "????????? ??????? ????????" for key "Comment[tg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????????? ??????? ????????" of key "GenericName[tg]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "Dinamik Diyalog D?zenleyicisi" for key "Comment[tr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Dinamik Diyalog D?zenleyicisi" of key "GenericName[tr]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "?????????? ???????? ?????" for key "Comment[uk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????????? ???????? ?????" of key "GenericName[uk]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "????????" for key "Comment[zh_CN]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????????" of key "GenericName[zh_CN]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "????????" for key "Comment[zh_HK]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????????" of key "GenericName[zh_HK]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kmdr-editor.desktop: warning: value "????????" for key "Comment[zh_TW]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????????" of key "GenericName[zh_TW]" |
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kdewebdev-kxsldbg- | freedesktop-desktop | info | desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/kxsldbg.desktop: warning: value "kxsldbg %i %m -caption "%c"" for key "Exec" in group "Desktop Entry" contains a deprecated field code "%m" |
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kdewebdev-quanta- | arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share | info | The package has a significant amount of architecture-independent data in /usr/share, while it is an architecture-dependent package. This is wasteful of mirror space and bandwidth, as we then end up with multiple copies of this data, one for each architecture. If the data in /usr/share is not architecture-independent, it is a policy violation, and in this case, you should move that data elsewhere. |
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kdewebdev-quanta- | freedesktop-desktop | info | desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Web Development Environment" for key "Comment" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Web Development Environment" of key "GenericName" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Entorn de desenvolupament web" for key "Comment[ca]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Entorn de desenvolupament web" of key "GenericName[ca]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "V?vojov? prost?ed? pro web" for key "Comment[cs]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "V?vojov? prost?ed? pro web" of key "GenericName[cs]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Internetudviklingsomgivelser" for key "Comment[da]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Internetudviklingsomgivelser" of key "GenericName[da]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Web-Entwicklungsumgebung" for key "Comment[de]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Web-Entwicklungsumgebung" of key "GenericName[de]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "?????????? ????????? ???????????" for key "Comment[el]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????????? ????????? ???????????" of key "GenericName[el]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Entorno de desarrollo web" for key "Comment[es]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Entorno de desarrollo web" of key "GenericName[es]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Veebiarenduskeskkond" for key "Comment[et]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Veebiarenduskeskkond" of key "GenericName[et]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Web garapenerako ingurunea" for key "Comment[eu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Web garapenerako ingurunea" of key "GenericName[eu]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "???? ????? ??" for key "Comment[fa]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???? ????? ??" of key "GenericName[fa]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "WWW:n kehitysymp?rist?" for key "Comment[fi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "WWW:n kehitysymp?rist?" of key "GenericName[fi]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Environnement de d?veloppement Internet" for key "Comment[fr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Environnement de d?veloppement Internet" of key "GenericName[fr]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Entorno de desenvolvemento de p?xinas web" for key "Comment[gl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Entorno de desenvolvemento de p?xinas web" of key "GenericName[gl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "??? ????????? ???????" for key "Comment[hi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??? ????????? ???????" of key "GenericName[hi]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Webfejleszt? k?rnyezet" for key "Comment[hu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Webfejleszt? k?rnyezet" of key "GenericName[hu]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Vef?r?unarumhverfi" for key "Comment[is]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Vef?r?unarumhverfi" of key "GenericName[is]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Ambiente per lo sviluppo Web" for key "Comment[it]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Ambiente per lo sviluppo Web" of key "GenericName[it]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "???????" for key "Comment[ja]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????" of key "GenericName[ja]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "??? ??????????? ?????" for key "Comment[ka]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??? ??????????? ?????" of key "GenericName[ka]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "?iniatinklio k?rimo aplinka" for key "Comment[lt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?iniatinklio k?rimo aplinka" of key "GenericName[lt]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Persekitaran Pembangunan Web" for key "Comment[ms]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Persekitaran Pembangunan Web" of key "GenericName[ms]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "?mgeven f?r Nett-Entwickeln" for key "Comment[nds]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?mgeven f?r Nett-Entwickeln" of key "GenericName[nds]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "??? ????? ??????" for key "Comment[ne]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??? ????? ??????" of key "GenericName[ne]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Omgeving voor webdevelopment" for key "Comment[nl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Omgeving voor webdevelopment" of key "GenericName[nl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "?rodowisko do tworzenia stron WWW" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?rodowisko do tworzenia stron WWW" of key "GenericName[pl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Ambiente de desenvolvimento Web" for key "Comment[pt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Web" of key "GenericName[pt]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Web" for key "Comment[pt_BR]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Ambiente de Desenvolvimento Web" of key "GenericName[pt_BR]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "????? web-??????????" for key "Comment[ru]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????? web-??????????" of key "GenericName[ru]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Prostredie na v?voj Web aplik?ci?" for key "Comment[sk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Prostredie na v?voj Web aplik?ci?" of key "GenericName[sk]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Spletno razvijalno okolje" for key "Comment[sl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Spletno razvijalno okolje" of key "GenericName[sl]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?? ??? ??????" for key "Comment[sr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?? ??? ??????" of key "GenericName[sr]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Okru?enje za veb razvoj" for key "Comment[sr@Latn]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Okru?enje za veb razvoj" of key "GenericName[sr@Latn]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Webbutvecklingsmilj?" for key "Comment[sv]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Webbutvecklingsmilj?" of key "GenericName[sv]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "???? ???????????? ?????" for key "Comment[ta]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???? ???????????? ?????" of key "GenericName[ta]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "????? ????? ???????-Web" for key "Comment[tg]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????? ????? ???????-Web" of key "GenericName[tg]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Web Geli?tirme Ortam?" for key "Comment[tr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Web Geli?tirme Ortam?" of key "GenericName[tr]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "?????????? ???-????????" for key "Comment[uk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????????? ???-????????" of key "GenericName[uk]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "Web ????" for key "Comment[zh_CN]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Web ????" of key "GenericName[zh_CN]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "??????" for key "Comment[zh_HK]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??????" of key "GenericName[zh_HK]" /usr/share/kde/applications/kde/quanta.desktop: warning: value "??????" for key "Comment[zh_TW]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??????" of key "GenericName[zh_TW]" |