warn cifs-utils-6.7-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn cmocka-1.1.1-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn ding-libs-0.6.0-alt4.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn http-parser-2.7.0-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn keepass-2.35-alt1.M70P.1.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn libqtkeychain-qt5-0.8.0-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn openchange-2.4-alt13.zentyal23.M70P.1.5.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn owncloud-client-2.4.0-alt3.M70P.1.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-base-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-connectivity-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-declarative-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-doc-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-graphicaleffects-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-imageformats-5.6.2-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-location-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-multimedia-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-quick1-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-quickcontrols-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-script-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-sensors-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-serialport-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-svg-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-tools-5.6.2-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-translations-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-webchannel-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-webkit-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-websockets-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-x11extras-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn qt5-xmlpatterns-5.6.2-alt0.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn samba-4.5.12-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn samba-DC-4.5.12-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn transmission-2.94-alt2.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.; warn wireshark-2.2.7-alt1.M70P.1.src macros %ubt is deprecated and will be removed.;