sear-0.6.4-alt4_0.15.g0b70ddb.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; sear-0.6.4-alt4_0.15.g0b70ddb.x86_64 checkbashisms experimental checkbashisms utility found possible bashisms in: /usr/bin/sear; sear-0.6.4-alt4_0.15.g0b70ddb.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/sear.desktop: warning: value "" for key "Path" in group "Desktop Entry" does not look like an absolute path; sear-0.6.4-alt4_0.15.g0b70ddb.x86_64 iconsdir experimental Please, move pixmaps from /usr/share/pixmaps to %_liconsdir, %_niconsdir, %_miconsdir according to their size. See;