plater-20131019-alt0.M70P.1.noarch freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/plater.desktop: hint: value "GNOME;GTK;Utility;Graphics;3DGraphics;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu; pronsole-20131019-alt0.M70P.1.noarch freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/pronsole.desktop: hint: value "Utility;Graphics;3DGraphics;ConsoleOnly;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu; pronsole-20131019-alt0.M70P.1.noarch iconsdir experimental Please, move pixmaps from /usr/share/pixmaps to %_liconsdir, %_niconsdir, %_miconsdir according to their size. See; pronterface-20131019-alt0.M70P.1.noarch freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/pronterface.desktop: hint: value "GNOME;GTK;Utility;Graphics;3DGraphics;" for key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" contains more than one main category; application might appear more than once in the application menu; pronterface-20131019-alt0.M70P.1.noarch iconsdir experimental Please, move pixmaps from /usr/share/pixmaps to %_liconsdir, %_niconsdir, %_miconsdir according to their size. See; pronterface-20131019-alt0.M70P.1.noarch symlink-extra-slash info /usr/share/pronterface/locale:This symlink contains two successive slashes (//) or ends with a slash (/). symlinks should be as short as possible.;