passivetex-20030310-alt3.qa1.noarch altlinux-policy-tex-obsolete-tetex warn TeX policy forbids explicit dependencies on obsolete TeTeX. But dependency on tetex-latex is found. Please, replace with TeX-neutral dependency.; passivetex-20030310-alt3.qa1.noarch rpm-package-is-obsoleted warn The package is obsoleted by the package texmf-latex-passivetex-20040310-alt1.noarch, but is still alive and in the repository. Consider removing the package, or, if you want the package to be alive, ask the maintainer of texmf-latex-passivetex-20040310-alt1.noarch to remove Obsoletes: tag.; passivetex-20030310-alt3.qa1.src altlinux-policy-tex-rpm-build-texmf warn According to TeX policy ( packages that install files to /usr/share/texmf should BuildRequires(pre): rpm-build-texmf for the dependency magic to work.;