cinnamon-screensaver-2.0.3-alt0.M70P.1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop warn desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/cinnamon-screensaver.desktop: error: value "GNOME;Unity;Xfce;" for key "OnlyShowIn" in group "Desktop Entry" contains an unregistered value "Xfce"; values extending the format should start with "X-"; cinnamon-screensaver-2.0.3-alt0.M70P.1.x86_64 invalid-url warn Package has invalid Url:. It looks like a protocol part (http:,ftp:,etc.) is missing.; cinnamon-screensaver-debuginfo-2.0.3-alt0.M70P.1.x86_64 invalid-url warn Package has invalid Url:. It looks like a protocol part (http:,ftp:,etc.) is missing.;