Terminal-0.4.7-alt3.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal Emulator" for key "Comment" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminal Emulator" of key "GenericName"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "????? ?????" for key "Comment[ar]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????? ?????" of key "GenericName[ar]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[ast]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulador de terminal" of key "GenericName[ast]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[be]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?????????" of key "GenericName[be]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[ca]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulador de terminal" of key "GenericName[ca]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emul?tor termin?lu" for key "Comment[cs]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emul?tor termin?lu" of key "GenericName[cs]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal Emulator" for key "Comment[da]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminal Emulator" of key "GenericName[da]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal-Programm" for key "Comment[de]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminal-Programm" of key "GenericName[de]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "????????????????????" for key "Comment[dz]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????????????????????" of key "GenericName[dz]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "??????????? ??????????" for key "Comment[el]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??????????? ??????????" of key "GenericName[el]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal Emulator" for key "Comment[en_GB]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminal Emulator" of key "GenericName[en_GB]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminala Simulilo" for key "Comment[eo]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminala Simulilo" of key "GenericName[eo]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[es]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulador de terminal" of key "GenericName[es]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminaliemulaator" for key "Comment[et]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminaliemulaator" of key "GenericName[et]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal emuladorea" for key "Comment[eu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminal emuladorea" of key "GenericName[eu]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "P??te-emulaattori" for key "Comment[fi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "P??te-emulaattori" of key "GenericName[fi]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "?mulateur de terminal" for key "Comment[fr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?mulateur de terminal" of key "GenericName[fr]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de terminal" for key "Comment[gl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulador de terminal" of key "GenericName[gl]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???? ????" for key "Comment[he]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???? ????" of key "GenericName[he]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator terminala" for key "Comment[hr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulator terminala" of key "GenericName[hr]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Termin?lemul?tor" for key "Comment[hu]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Termin?lemul?tor" of key "GenericName[hu]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator Terminal" for key "Comment[id]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulator Terminal" of key "GenericName[id]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulatore di Terminale" for key "Comment[it]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulatore di Terminale" of key "GenericName[it]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???????????" for key "Comment[ja]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????????" of key "GenericName[ja]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[kk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?????????" of key "GenericName[kk]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "??? ?????" for key "Comment[ko]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "??? ?????" of key "GenericName[ko]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Em?lator? Term?nal?" for key "Comment[ku]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Em?lator? Term?nal?" of key "GenericName[ku]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Termin??a emulators" for key "Comment[lv]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Termin??a emulators" of key "GenericName[lv]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Teminalemulator" for key "Comment[nb]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Teminalemulator" of key "GenericName[nb]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminal-emulatieprogramma" for key "Comment[nl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminal-emulatieprogramma" of key "GenericName[nl]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "?????? ???????" for key "Comment[pa]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????? ???????" of key "GenericName[pa]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emuluje dzia?anie terminala X" for key "Comment[pl]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emuluje dzia?anie terminala X" of key "GenericName[pl]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de Terminal" for key "Comment[pt]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulador de Terminal" of key "GenericName[pt]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulador de Terminal" for key "Comment[pt_BR]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulador de Terminal" of key "GenericName[pt_BR]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulator de terminal" for key "Comment[ro]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulator de terminal" of key "GenericName[ro]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[ru]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?????????" of key "GenericName[ru]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "????? ???????" for key "Comment[si]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????? ???????" of key "GenericName[si]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Termin?l Emul?tor" for key "Comment[sk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Termin?l Emul?tor" of key "GenericName[sk]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Emulues Terminali" for key "Comment[sq]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Emulues Terminali" of key "GenericName[sq]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Terminalemulator" for key "Comment[sv]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Terminalemulator" of key "GenericName[sv]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "U?birim ?yk?n?c?s?" for key "Comment[tr]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "U?birim ?yk?n?c?s?" of key "GenericName[tr]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? Emulator" for key "Comment[ug]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? Emulator" of key "GenericName[ug]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "???????? ?????????" for key "Comment[uk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "???????? ?????????" of key "GenericName[uk]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "????? ????????" for key "Comment[ur]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????? ????????" of key "GenericName[ur]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "????? ????????" for key "Comment[ur_PK]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "????? ????????" of key "GenericName[ur_PK]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "Tr?nh gi? l?p Terminal" for key "Comment[vi]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Tr?nh gi? l?p Terminal" of key "GenericName[vi]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "?????" for key "Comment[zh_CN]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????" of key "GenericName[zh_CN]"; /usr/share/applications/Terminal.desktop: warning: value "?????" for key "Comment[zh_TW]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "?????" of key "GenericName[zh_TW]"; Thunar-1.3.0-alt5.M60P.1.x86_64 arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share info The package has a significant amount of architecture-independent data in /usr/share, while it is an architecture-dependent package. This is wasteful of mirror space and bandwidth, as we then end up with multiple copies of this data, one for each architecture. If the data in /usr/share is not architecture-independent, it is a policy violation, and in this case, you should move that data elsewhere.; Thunar-1.3.0-alt5.M60P.1.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; Thunar-1.3.0-alt5.M60P.1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/Thunar-bulk-rename.desktop: warning: value "Hromadn? premenovanie" for key "Comment[sk]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Hromadn? premenovanie" of key "Name[sk]"; libexo-0.6.2-alt2.M60P.1.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; libxfcegui4-4.8.1-alt1.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xarchiver-0.5.2-alt2.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xarchiver.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated; /usr/share/applications/xarchiver.desktop: warning: value "application/x-arj;application/arj;application/x-bzip;application/x-bzip-compressed-tar;application/x-gzip;application/x-rar;application/x-rar-compressed;application/x-tar;application/x-zip;application/x-zip-compressed;application/zip;multipart/x-zip;application/x-7z-compressed;application/x-compressed-tar;application/x-bzip2;application/x-bzip2-compressed-tar;" for key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" contains value "multipart/x-zip" which is a MIME type that should probably not be used: "multipart" is a media type that probably does not make sense in this context; xfburn-0.4.3-alt2.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop warn desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfburn.desktop: error: value "application/x-cd-image" for string list key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" does not have a semicolon (';') as trailing character; /usr/share/applications/xfburn.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "Archiving" in key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" requires another category to be present among the following categories: Utility; xfcalendar- big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfcalendar- freedesktop-categories warn Menu-related Additional Categories (http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html) not found in /usr/share/applications/globaltime.desktop. Please add it or report a bug against this test if you already have registered one (not including menu unrelated ones as Core or Qt).; xfce-utils-4.8.2-alt5.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfce4-dict-0.6.0-alt1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop warn desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfce4-dict.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "Dictionary" in key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" requires another category to be present among the following categories: Office;TextTools; xfce4-mixer-4.8.0-alt2.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfce4-mixer-4.8.0-alt2.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfce4-mixer.desktop: warning: value "Lautst?rkeregelung" for key "Comment[de]" in group "Desktop Entry" looks redundant with value "Lautst?rkeregelung" of key "Name[de]"; xfce4-mixer-4.8.0-alt2.x86_64 iconsdir experimental Please, move pixmaps from /usr/share/pixmaps to %_liconsdir, %_niconsdir, %_miconsdir according to their size. See http://www.altlinux.org/IconPathsPolicy.; xfce4-panel-4.8.5-alt3.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfce4-screenshooter-1.7.9-alt2.git20110429.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfce4-screenshooter-1.7.9-alt2.git20110429.x86_64 freedesktop-categories warn Menu-related Additional Categories (http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html) not found in /usr/share/applications/xfce4-screenshooter.desktop. Please add it or report a bug against this test if you already have registered one (not including menu unrelated ones as Core or Qt).; xfce4-session-4.8.1-alt5.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfce4-settings-4.8.2-alt2.M60P.1.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfce4-taskmanager-1.0.0-alt2.x86_64 freedesktop-categories warn Menu-related Additional Categories (http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html) not found in /usr/share/applications/xfce4-taskmanager.desktop. Please add it or report a bug against this test if you already have registered one (not including menu unrelated ones as Core or Qt).; xfdesktop-4.8.2-alt1.M60P.1.x86_64 big-changelog info Package contains big ChangeLog. Gzip it.; xfprint-4.6.1-alt5.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop info desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfprint.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated; desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfprint-settings.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated; desktop-file-validate utility printed the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfprint-manager.desktop: warning: key "Encoding" in group "Desktop Entry" is deprecated;