xfe-1.32.3-alt1.qa1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop warn desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfv.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "Viewer" in key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" requires another category to be present among the following categories: Graphics, or Office; desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfi.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "inage/png;inage/jpg;" for key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" contains value "inage/png" which is an invalid MIME type: "inage" is an unregistered media type; /usr/share/applications/xfi.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "inage/png;inage/jpg;" for key "MimeType" in group "Desktop Entry" contains value "inage/jpg" which is an invalid MIME type: "inage" is an unregistered media type; desktop-file-validate utility exited abnormally with the following message(s): /usr/share/applications/xfe.desktop: error: (will be fatal in the future): value "FileManager" in key "Categories" in group "Desktop Entry" requires another category to be present among the following categories: System;FileTools; xfe-1.32.3-alt1.qa1.x86_64 iconsdir experimental Please, move pixmaps from /usr/share/pixmaps to %_liconsdir, %_niconsdir, %_miconsdir according to their size. See http://www.altlinux.org/IconPathsPolicy.;