clickhouse-server- systemd-but-no-native-init experimental The package have native systemd file(s) but no SysV init scripts. clickhouse-test- arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share info The package has a significant amount of architecture-independent data in /usr/share, while it is an architecture-dependent package. This is wasteful of mirror space and bandwidth, as we then end up with multiple copies of this data, one for each architecture. If the data in /usr/share is not architecture-independent, it is a policy violation, and in this case, you should move that data elsewhere.; clickhouse-test- unsafe-tmp-usage-in-scripts fail The test discovered scripts with errors which may be used by a user for damaging important system files. For example if a script uses in its work a temp file which is created in /tmp directory, then every user can create symlinks with the same name (pattern) in this directory in order to destroy or rewrite some system or another user's files. Scripts _must_ _use_ mktemp/tempfile or must use $TMPDIR. mktemp/tempfile is safest. $TMPDIR is safer than /tmp/ because libpam-tmpdir creates a subdirectory of /tmp that is only accessible by that user, and then sets TMPDIR and other variables to that. Hence, it doesn't matter nearly as much if you create a non-random filename, because nobody but you can access it. Found error in /usr/share/clickhouse-test/queries/0_stateless/ $ grep /tmp/ /usr/share/clickhouse-test/queries/0_stateless/ mkdir ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/ echo aaaaaaaaa > ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/a.txt echo bbbbbbbbb > ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/b.txt echo ccccccccc > ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/c.txt echo ccccccccc > /tmp/c.txt mkdir ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/dir ### 1st TEST in CLIENT mode. ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} "drop table if exists data;" # Test non-exists file echo "${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query "'"select file('"'nonexist.txt'), file('b.txt')"'";echo :$?' | bash 2>/dev/null # Test isDir echo "${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query "'"select file('"'dir'), file('b.txt')"'";echo :$?' | bash 2>/dev/null # Test path out of the user_files directory. It's not allowed in client mode echo "${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query "'"select file('"'/tmp/c.txt'), file('b.txt')"'";echo :$?' | bash 2>/dev/null # Test relative path consists of ".." whose absolute path is out of the user_files directory. echo "${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query "'"select file('"'../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp/c.txt'), file('b.txt')"'";echo :$?' | bash 2>/dev/null echo "${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query "'"select file('"'../../../../a.txt'), file('b.txt')"'";echo :$?' | bash 2>/dev/null ### 2nd TEST in LOCAL mode. -- create table data (A String, B String) engine=MergeTree() order by A; select file('a.txt'), file('b.txt'); insert into data select file('a.txt'), file('b.txt'); insert into data select file('a.txt'), file('b.txt'); select file('c.txt'), usr from data; select file('/tmp/c.txt'), usr from data; select $c_count, $c_count -length(file('${CURDIR}/01518_nullable_aggregate_states2.reference')) " echo ":"$? -- ${CLICKHOUSE_CLIENT} --query "SELECT s, count() FROM file('?', TSV, 's String') GROUP BY s ORDER BY s" # Restore rm ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/{a,b,c}.txt rm ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/{a,b,c} rm /tmp/c.txt rm -rf ${CLICKHOUSE_USER_FILES_PATH}/dir;